Wordpress Migration

WordPress Migration : 3 Easy Steps

WordPress Migration

WordPress migration is uncomplicated and easy process.
It does not require developer skills or hiring someone professional.
It is more fun to process migration by yourself, in such a way a learning process is instilled.

A few different reasons in which you might need to migrate WordPress:

  • Create staging WordPress site.
  • Move Hosts
  • Upload WordPress from Local to Webhost server
  • Test WordPress site

Now, let us start migrating a WordPress using all in one migration plugin easily.

Plugin Description:

Plugin image

This plugin exports your WordPress website including the database, media files, plugins and themes with no technical knowledge required.
Upload your site to a different location with a drag and drop in to WordPress.
There is an option to apply an unlimited number of find and replace operations on your database during the export process. The plugin will also fix any
serialization problems that occur during the find/replace operation.

Mobile device compatible: All-in-One WP Migration is the first plugin to offer true mobile experience on WordPress versions 3.3 and up.

Now, we have the tool to use, lets get to the actual migration.

  1. Log in to existing website’s WordPress dashboard and install All-in-One WP Migration Plugin, then activate.

Alternate Plugin Image

Plugin Installation

2. After activating the Plugin, go to the plugin Dashboard, click Export > File. Wait until files are compressed and tells you to download and save.
Note: Secure/save the downloaded file as you need it for the final step.
The filename should look like this: www.domain.com-20200415-081415-d6mtc5.wpress

Plugin DownloadExport Process

3. Finally, you have the exported file saved. Last step would be to log in to the new Fresh Worpress installation and override contents from the backup.

In the new WordPress, install same plugin in Step 1 and activate, this time use the Import > File and look for the saved file in your downloads folder and upload.

Final save

Import Process

The Import process for the contents depends on the size of the entire WordPress backup, this may take several minutes so patience is a must.

Once completed, reload the webpage and all contents will then be published. That’s all folks.

NOTE : The plugin depends on the default available upload size of your WordPress Hosting, if the backup files is higher than the default upload value of the WordPress, consult the hosting provider for an increase.

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