Website blog

3 Things You Need To Know Before To Create A Website Blog

Beginners Guide: Website Blog Basics

Do you have plans to start a blog? 

If the answer is yes, you are in the right spot.

Today, I will be giving you handful tips and the easiest way on how to start a blog. If you have been wondering how to start, what things to prepare and pre-requisite involves, don’t worry, you got my back.

In order to create a website blog you need three of the following:

  • Blog Topic or Ideas
  • Domain or Web Address
  • WebHosting Platform

Blog Topic

Blog topic is the main content of your blog, it could be any of the following.
– travel to personal experiences
– health and fitness
– PC or Video games and streaming
– tutorials
– foods
– and a lot more. .
Listed above are just few of the blog topics and ideas you could imagine to start with. You could also try to search on internet some relevant topics to choose from.

Domain or Web Address

How to choose the right domain for your blog?
When choosing a domain for your blog, think as an audience. A domain that is somehow remarkable, memorable, easy to type and pronounce. It is also a best practice to pick a domain that can easily drive daily traffic. The generic and common domain extensions to use nowadays for a blog are .com, .net, .org. A lot more to use and in some special occasions, you may also use a country specific domain extension such us .ph, .us, .ca, .uk, .etc.

WebHosting Platform

Web Hosting is the last part to successfully put your blog live to the internet. A lot of hosting providers and variety of selections to choose from, from free-to-paid hosting.
Free Webhosting
Ideally, free hosting is recommended for beginners, a start up does not require a paid hosting right away. It is just first step and in due time, upgrade to paid hosting anytime is possible. Being said, below are the few list of free-to-build tool to use for a blog and I tested so far. Since it is a free service, it does not come with premium support and other services which offered in a paid Webhosting

Paid Webhosting

This service is recommended for blog content creator as it comes with a premium support or dedicated support 24/7 whenever you need special assistance and configuration to the web hosting. For your own reference, I have listed below the common paid Web hosting service providers.

There you have it!. It is very much important to familiarize the basic structure of blogging system, for start up, select the free version until such time you learn the ins and outs, then upgrade to paid version to expand and unlock website security features and protection.

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